The Air Max 90 Just Cemented Its Legacy as Nike's King of Camo | Gear Patrol (2025)

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Nike has sold the Air Max 90 in countless camo variations over its 35-year history. But an upcoming Camo Pack might be its boldest riff yet.

The Air Max 90 Just Cemented Its Legacy as Nike's King of Camo | Gear Patrol (1)Nike

The Air Max 90 Just Cemented Its Legacy as Nike's King of Camo | Gear Patrol (2)

By Ben Bowers




In celebration of its 35th anniversary, Nike appears to be lining up a massive year for one of the most famous sneakers of all time – theAir Max 90, especially for camo and tactical aesthetics fans.

Late last year,extensiverumorsand images started circulating the internet concerning an Air Max 90“Camo Pack”that would be dropping this spring.

The leaks initially showed three versions of the well-known silhouette draped in various combinations of neon colors and multiple camo varieties. This month, two additional versions have surfaced following the same pattern.

Here’s what we know so far about the 2025 Air Max 90 Camo Pack Collection and how the new collection builds on a long legacy of camo-clad Air Max 90s.

Putting Camo’s Versatility On Full Display

The Air Max 90 Just Cemented Its Legacy as Nike's King of Camo | Gear Patrol (3)Nike

For now, it appears the Nike Air Max 90 Camo Pack will include five versions in 2025.

While they’re all part of a series and embrace the same general design formula, each sneaker also stands on its own, in large part due to its signature color andunique color-matched camouflagethat any connoisseur of camo patterns should appreciate.

The Nike Air Max 90 “University Gold” shown above marries Nike’s well-knowngolden yellowwith what appears to be a beige, oliveandblack derivative ofwoodland camo.

The Air Max 90 Just Cemented Its Legacy as Nike's King of Camo | Gear Patrol (4)Nike

The “Hyper Pink” iteration features the all-time classic iteration of woodland camo alongside pops of florescent pink.

The Air Max 90 Just Cemented Its Legacy as Nike's King of Camo | Gear Patrol (5)Nike

So far, the only option in the color pack that directly integrates shades of the sneaker’s signature color into the camouflage pattern is a “Safety Orange” version of the Air Max 90.

As the name implies, the sneaker is a play on a common color companion to hunting camouflages—i.e., hunter’s orange.

However, in this case, the color is applied toDesert Camo, or cookie dough camo, as it’s also known, thanks to its distinctive clusters of black and white, instead of a hunting camo pattern. Many may recognize desert camo due to its use by the American military during the Persian Gulf War, although the pattern is no longer used by U.S. Military forces today.

The Air Max 90 Just Cemented Its Legacy as Nike's King of Camo | Gear Patrol (6)Nike

Another version known as “Light Lemon Twist” features the iconic“Volt” neon yellowthat’s been a trademark of Nike’s and theAir Max line for years. It’s also not the first time we’ve seen an Air Max 90 featuredigital or pixelated camouflage, first introduced by Canada in 1997.

The Air Max 90 Just Cemented Its Legacy as Nike's King of Camo | Gear Patrol (7)Nike

The “Aurora Green” version will look more like aqua or sky blue to the casual onlooker. Its camo pattern isalsoharderto place and feels like a cross betweenreptile,FlecktarnandFrog Skin/Spotdesigns.

A True Nike Icon That’s Very Familiar with Camo

The Air Max 90 Just Cemented Its Legacy as Nike's King of Camo | Gear Patrol (8)Ad Patina

Nike has made plenty of notable sneakers over its 60-year existence. So, how do you separate the good from the great and the great from the iconic?

For starters, very few Nike products gain enough acclaimto merit a dedicated history pageon Nike’s website, like the Air Max 90.

The 90 also holds the distinction of being one of several iconic sneakers created by arguably the most famous sneaker designer of all time,Tinker Hatfield, most famously known for his work on the Air Jordan III – XX and less famously known for his work on the Michael Keaton’s bat-boots inBatman and Batman Returns.

The Air Max 90 Just Cemented Its Legacy as Nike's King of Camo | Gear Patrol (9)Nike

While plenty of sneakers include arbitrary numbers in their name, the 90, in this case, refers to the year it officially launched. Although in a fun bit of sneaker trivia, it was initially dubbed the Air Max III and was only re-named to the 90 after it relaunched ten years later in 2000.

Over its 35-year run, the Air Max 90 has also appeared in plenty of camo iterations.

The Air Max 90 Just Cemented Its Legacy as Nike's King of Camo | Gear Patrol (10)Nike

The upcoming camo pack shares a similar feel to a series ofOrange Duck Camo,Volt Duck CamoandReverse Duck CamoAir Max 90s released in collaboration with Atmos in 2013, the latter of which wasre-released again in September of 2024.

Plenty of versions have also fully embraced the tactical look, including this glorious but sadly women’s onlydesert camo takein 2022. Other options were included in a Country Camo pack that featured camo prints for various countries, includingJapan,the UK,and Italy. Several rarerDigi Camoeditionshave also popped up on retailers StockX for $2000.

Air Max 90 Camo Pack Pricing and Availability

The Air Max 90 Just Cemented Its Legacy as Nike's King of Camo | Gear Patrol (11)Nike

Some outlets, includingSneaker News, suggest the upcoming Camo Pack version of the Air Max 90 will have an MSRP of $130. Hypebeast has indicated that at least theUniversity Gold version could have an MSRP of $160.

Both numbers are plausible given that the standard Air Max 90 sells for $130, and more unique versions sell for $160.

None of the Camo Pack takes on the Air Max 90 are listed on any of Nike’s official retail channels right now, and they also aren’t listed on the brand’supcoming SNRKS release calendar, which goes through the end of January for now. Still, early leaks suggest the Camo Pack will be available sometime this spring to kick off the Air Max 90’s 35th anniversary in tactical style.

If you can’t wait until then, at least some versions of the Camo Pack are already appearing on reseller sites likeGOATandeBayfor a premium.

For a full look at the new camo collection ahead of its official launch, check out House of Heat’s coverage.


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The Air Max 90 Just Cemented Its Legacy as Nike's King of Camo | Gear Patrol (2025)
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